Planes of Development
Dr. Montessori defined four stages of development and labeled them as the Four Planes of Development, noting that within these stages, the development is intense at the beginning, consolidates and then tapers to the next. At the Montessori School of Dayton, we offer instruction into the 3rd Plane of Development. The 1st and 3rd planes are periods of intense creation, while the 2nd and 4th planes are the calm periods of consolidation. A students independence is a primary focus in all planes. Each plane is approximately 6 years in length and has its own special characteristics as noted below:
First Plane
Age 0 - 6 – Early Childhood
(Individual Creation Of The Person)
Characterized by the “Absorbent Mind” in which the child’s mind is like a sponge, absorbing all that is in the environment.
This plane is characterized by “Sensitive Periods” which include the intense need for: order, language, refinement of the senses, movement, concrete thinking, construction of the physical person, fundamental formation of the character and physical independence.
The child wants to be free to work independently within a structured environment doing real activities with an intelligent purpose.
Second Plane
Age 6 – 12 – Childhood
(Construction Of The Intelligence)
Characterized by reasoning with imagination and logic.
Children have an intense desire for knowledge at this stage, which if allowed reaches the subjects that many educational institutions reserve for only high school and college levels. Additionally, children want to know about the whole and their place within it. They can appreciate the interconnectedness of all things and beings.
Third Plane
Ages 12 – 18 Adolescence
(Construction Of Social Self)
Characterized by self concern and self assessment, as well as the construction of social and moral values.
This is a transitional period, where children are trying to find their place in this world through critical thinking and re-evaluation. Dr. Montessori envisioned the child practicing for life in society by working together in a way that benefits the community. Our version is the children owning and operating the Bison Cafe and the support to the farm at Possum Creek Metro Park.
Fourth Plane
Ages 18 – 24+ – Adulthood
(Construction Of Self Understanding)
Characterized by construction of the spiritual.
The ever-becoming journey of seeking one's place in the world continues, through conscious discernment of right and wrong. Financial independence is also a factor in this stage.